Letting My Thoughts Escape

I’m not a writer, to be honest I probably shouldn’t have even typed this first sentence. I’m just a person with a mind filled with thoughts that have been trying to escape because I refuse to share them with anyone.

It happens gradually. You’re completely unaware that your thoughts are multiplying until that moment they all start screaming. It’s not regular screaming, it’s more like hundreds of drunk and angry people who believe whatever they’re saying is more important than what the other drunk people are saying. It becomes impossible to sleep because that’s when they scream the loudest.

I can’t promise you’ll find any of my thoughts interesting or that my lack of writing skills won’t make you wish you would have read something else. If you’ve made it this far I appreciate the time you’ve invested and I apologize if you’ve wasted your time.

There are lots of thoughts just waiting to escape. The thought that screams the loudest will be the first thought to escape to its new home, right here.

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